Is your business ready?
We don't know what you ultimately want from your business.
We do know that most business owners and senior leaders cannot step away from their business (whether it's for a day, weekend, week, or longer) without first building a foundation.
Where does your business stand?
Hit by a Bus: Does your business pass The Bus Test?
Intelligent Risk Taking: Can your team deliver the reports you need to drive your business?
Too Few Customers: Do you have a few key customers without whom your revenue and profit would plummet?
Held Hostage: Could your operations continue if you promote or replace key employees?
Your Greatest Asset: Are you able to identify, attract, hire, train, and engage the right people to grow your business?
Core Values & Success Behaviors: Do you hire (promote and retain) based on your Core Values and measure employee performance based on Success Behaviors? (What are Core Values & Success Behaviors?)
Plan or Process: Is your company strategy a Plan (or worse, an event) instead of a Process that involves all stakeholders?
Your Weakest Link: Does technology expose your company or position it for growth and competitiveness?
Rear-View Mirror: Do you only look back (i.e., with financial indicators alone, which is like driving your car forward by looking in the rear-view mirror) or do you also look forward with predictive key performance indicators that drive results?
Tried other "guru" approaches: For example, some have tried the entrepreneurial operating system or other approaches and found it may not have had the depth, rigor and repeatability of ABOS.
Is Your Business Transaction (traction) Ready?
(this is what buyers want) *
* Whether you hope to sell your business or hand it off to a new team,
its value depends on its ability to generate profit...without you.
Join Us In Our Journey And Let’s Unlock The Genius Of Your People Together
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